Years active: 1974 - 1976 (started around 20 years old; 2 years in the business)
About Roberta Pedon
Roberta Pedon was a big-bust American glamour model who gained popularity in the 1970s and remains popular to this day.
Born in Ohio, Roberta’s mother regarded her early developing daughter as a “freak” due to her large breasts, and thought she should be ashamed of her body. Parodying her mother’s voice in Delinquent Schoolgirls was Roberta’s revenge. According to people who met her, Roberta spoke with a normal American accent, in addition she was also fluent in Portuguese. Her parents are said to be of Latvian Jewish decent.
Roberta's birth name was Rosma Grantoviskis. However, she went by the stage names of Roberta Pedon, Melody O'Hare and Roberta Weaver. The nom-de-plume Melody O'Hare supposedly came from the name of one of her best friends in Junior High.
Roberta’s appearance in Delinquent Schoolgirls was due to several people who were involved in the production also being behind a Los Angeles company that specialized in cheesecake magazine shoots and loops, giving the filmmakers the opportunity to use bust models like Roberta and Nika Movenka as actresses. After appearing in Delinquent Schoolgirls, Roberta caught the acting bug and auditioned for a part in a Jan-Michael Vincent film, personal problems and poor management however meant she would only ever be a one-film wonder.
Roberta’s relationships with men were of a brief and turbulent nature, following repeat patterns of Roberta seeking deep emotional attachment with men who merely used and discarded her. She claimed to have had affairs with an actor from the film Planet of the Apes, and a faded television star who was to later die in mysterious circumstances in 1978. While few of her relationships lasted more than a couple of months, she did enjoy a longer one with the writer Gustav Hasford, author of “The Short Timers” later to be the inspiration for the film Full Metal Jacket.
Roberta Pedon on Cover Teenage Sex 15 Magazine
Although Roberta was "discovered" in the USA, she appeared for the first time in a Danish pornographic magazine. She invariably dressed (and then undressed) as a hippie during most of her photo shoots. Her popularity was, however, rather short-lived; in September 1975 she was imprisoned in San Francisco for drug and prostitution offenses. Upon her release she was ostracized by many of her previous employers, including the AAE people behind the Delinquent Schoolgirls film. Homeless and with drugs and her lifelong struggle against bulimia taking its toll, her last photo shoot took place in 1976.
She invariably dressed (and then undressed) as a hippie during most of her photo shoots. Her popularity was, however, rather short-lived; in September 1975 she was imprisoned in San Francisco for drug and prostitution offenses. Upon her release she was ostracized by many of her previous employers, including the AAE people behind the Delinquent Schoolgirls film. Homeless and with drugs and her lifelong struggle against bulimia taking its toll, her last photo shoot took place in 1976.
Roberta Pedon was thought to have supposedly died in the summer of 1982, in Oakland, California, due to complications from liver disease. But this turned out to be false and she had moved to Italy instead. ( - her talking in Italy many years later)
She appears on Youtube talking about her adventures in Italy speaking in Italian.