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Usha Vance

aka Usha Chilukuri More info on her aliases

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Usha Chilukuri - Real name
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About Usha Vance

Usha Chilukuri Vance (born Usha Bala Chilukuri) is an American lawyer. She is the wife of JD Vance, who is the vice president-elect of the United States and Ohio's junior United States senator. Usha Vance will assume the role of Second Lady of the United States on January 20, 2025, becoming the first Indian American and Hindu American to hold the title.

Vance graduated from Yale University with a bachelor's degree in history and from Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor degree. After law school, she served as a law clerk for multiple federal judges, including Chief Justice John Roberts, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and Judge Amul Thapar.

Vance was admitted to the District of Columbia Bar in 2019, and subsequently worked for a leading law firm handling civil litigation and appeals in cases involving higher education, local government, entertainment, and technology. She resigned from her law firm job in July 2024.

At the 2024 Republican National Convention, Vance delivered the introductory address for her husband, JD Vance. She often traveled with him to his vice-presidential campaign events, occasionally appearing onstage. The couple has three children.

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User comments

Very pretty lady. She and Sen. Vance are a nice couple.

Posted by rogerd 2024-08-07 22:36  🛈  

She and the Democratic candidate 🌚 are black!
I hope the hate comments will not spill over🕷️. But my question is where are the ethnic Asian🎎 politicians in the US?

Posted by John111 2024-07-22 02:19  🛈