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Valya Karnaval

aka Valentina Karnaukhova More info on her aliases

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Valentina Karnaukhova
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About Valya Karnaval

Verified TikTok content creator and social media personality who rose to fame by sharing trending dance and lip sync performances on her karna.val account. She has more than 25 million followers on the platform. She makes a mix of comedic and romantic content.

As of March 2024, she has amassed 7.3 million followers on Instagram, 26.8 million followers on TikTok and 1.45 million subscribers on her YouTube platform.

She made her TikTok debut in 2018. Her videos began going viral shortly after joining the platform.

She shares modeling and cosplay photos on her verified karna.val Instagram. One of her most popular TikToks is a recording of herself after she got her wisdom teeth removed. It has gained over 40 million views.

She was born in Russia.

In 2020, she cosplayed as Jim Carrey's character from the 1994 film The Mask.

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