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Veronica Angeloni

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About Veronica Angeloni

Veronica Angeloni is a former Italian volleyball player, in the role of crusher.

Born from South American mother, in 2022 she obtained the double Argentine citizenship.

She made an apparition during the "Festival di Sanremo", called to announce Riccardo Sinigallia's song on February 19 who remained in competition, before leaving.

In 2017 she participated in the second edition of "Grande Fratello VIP", being eliminated during the seventh episode.

In the 2004-2005 season, she made her debut in the top flight hired by Chieri, with whom she wins a Top Teams Cup and earning the championship for the award for the best young woman in the A1 series.

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User comments

She is cute yall

Posted by Stantheman1969 2022-08-02 09:51