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Yasuko Nagazumi

aka 永積靖子 More info on her aliases

Yasuko Nagazumi alias list:
永積靖子 - Real name (Japanese)
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About Yasuko Nagazumi

Yasuko Nagazumi is a Japanese producer, manager, former model, and former actress. She is responsible for print advertising campaigns on behalf of clients such as Armani, Donna Karan, Guess?, Pirelli and Vogue magazine, working with photographers such as Peter Lindbergh, Herb Ritts, Helmut Newton and others.

Nagazumi's daughter is Lush and Piroshka lead singer Miki Berenyi.

Yasuko Nagazumi Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only), Nudity (Topless Only)

Yasuko Nagazumi Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Yasuko Nagazumi Links

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