Last year, we held a poll to ask you, our users, what feature they would like to see most. We picked a few and implemented two items from the top 3 (Improved bra/cup size handling and Personal top 10 rankings).
This year, we want to do it again. We have compiled a new list based on our ideas and the best ideas from the ideas page. Please pick one and submit your vote. Also, please drop your opinion in the comments section. If you want to vote for more than one idea, simply post it in the comment section, and we’ll take it into consideration.
Last year, the Photo Ratings idea was a favorite of many. We implemented it but were unhappy with how it works, so we put it “on hold” for now and have included a variation in the poll below.
The options are:
- Photo Ratings (Revised) – This revision of last year’s idea. We want to allow the users to rate the profile page photos on the site with a thumbs up/down. We don’t want to clutter the current photo viewer with a voting system, so we would add a separate “Photo rating” page where you can view and rate all the photos. Only registered users can vote here. In the second phase, trusted members with a history of contributions can change or remove photos with a certain threshold.
- Profile Attributes/Tags – Users can attach attributes or tags to profile pages. It is very broad and used for things currently not on the page. We can use it for hobbies (dog lover, car enthusiast, …), skills (polyglot, martial arts, …), general physical attributes (curly hair, pale skin, birthmark, …), breasts (size, shape, firmness, areolas, nipples, …), and more. We can then integrate that it into the advanced search engine and OnlyFans search and make a lot more lists.
- Social Network Features – Bring some social network features to the site, such as avatars (user photos), adding friends, private messaging, …
- Improving The Site Design – Improving the site with changes here and there, mainly focusing on the advanced search and profile pages.
- New Site Design – Similar to the previous item but going further. Think of it like a complete makeover.
- Chatbox – Some discussions on the site tend to go off-topic. We can add a dedicated chatbox where users can go off-topic. We can go even further and make it like a message board/forum.
Update (March 24): We’re closing the poll today. We have a clear winner and two that are pretty close. We’ll work on these in the coming months. Thanks to everyone who voted and contributed in the comments.