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Sandra Nilsson

aka Sandra Nilson More info on her aliases

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Sandra Nilson
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About Sandra Nilsson

Sandra started modeling at the age of 18. She entered her first beauty competition and was soon working full time. A rising star, she knew it was time to go in search of bigger and better things. She left her Abba records behind and took the plunge, making her home in glamorous Manhattan. She has since modeled swimsuits, walked the runway and worked as a spokesmodel for Hawaiian Tropic. (You'll notice the deeply tanned skin, so healthy it glows.) "I was so scared when I first came to America, because my English was basically limited to 'Hello, my name is Sandra, and I'm from Sweden,'" she tells us in her adorable accent. "But I'm getting better and better every day." Clearly. When you start chatting with Sandra, she only gets hotter. She has a degree in education--plenty of brains behind all that beauty. When she's not working she likes to ride horses or cook.

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User comments

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and may all of your dreams expectations goals hopes and wishes become a reality

Posted by Punisher504 2025-02-17 05:06  🛈  

A gold-digging tasta but still should be a kajira wearing nothing but a kolar.

Posted by Eric_Shun 2023-04-29 00:46  🛈  

Does anyone understand the reasoning behind going for silicone orbs of the same size of what the natural breasts used to be? They really seem to think the unnatural shape of inflated balloons is somehow sexier.

Posted by NeoNwo 2021-10-17 10:46  🛈  

A pretty little Scandinavian beauty, proof that females, no matter their origins, belong naked at the feet of men, displayed for their pleasure.

Posted by drusus 2021-09-29 22:33  🛈  


Posted by azeri98 2020-05-24 03:13  🛈  

Happy birthday Sandra

Posted by stangman 2020-02-18 06:47  🛈