johnnyhenny's Page
Username: | johnnyhenny |
Signed up on: | December 31, 2020 |
Last seen on: | April 26, 2024 |
Logins: | 180 time(s) |
Views of this page: | 1,120 time(s) |
Comment votes received: | 23 positive, 14 negative |
Comment votes given: | 10 positive, 8 negative |
johnnyhenny's Favorites
Votes by johnnyhenny
Total number of gallery votes: 4Average gallery vote: 10.00 / 10
Total number of profile votes: 86
Average profile vote: 1.73 / 10
Comments by johnnyhenny
Comments on profile pages (16)
Obviously has all the phsycical traits a Supermodel needs for success - but Frida still looks a bit on the "too skinny" side for me :/
Posted by johnnyhenny on Frida Aasen2023-12-07 13:17
Sadly yet another profile fallen victim to the basement dwelling trolls that keep changing nationalities/birthdates in the info-section of profiles. Kelly Havel was NOT born on September 28th, 1975... she was born January 2nd, 1978. Neither did that birth take place in Oslo, Norway - it took place in her home country, a great distance away from Norway, Czechoslovakia.
Posted by johnnyhenny on Kelly Havel2023-12-07 11:18
Are we just adding every single Norwegian woman that's existed to this site now?
...if so I'm all for it!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Kjersti Buaas2023-12-07 10:15
The amount of new random, ancient, additions of irrelevant people (contextually because there's very little photos of them, as well as very little information about them) is getting on my nerves now.
Naturally all older women of notoriety and fame are worthwhile inclusions on this site and should be added. A German-Norwegian silent movie actress that lost 90% of her recorded films to a fire almost a hundred years ago doesn't scream "Let's make a profile on Babepedia for this woman born before we had started on "19" year-wise...
Posted by johnnyhenny on Aud Egede-Nissen2023-12-07 10:14
No. Just no.
At a certain point we as a species need to stop pretending that "body positivity" is a thing when a human being's level of obesity becomes a genuine danger to their own health. At that point it is just as much of an eating disorder as, for example, anorexia. It's dangerous and unhealthy and just as we are able to force healthcare on someone suffering from, as mentioned, anorexia - if they reach a stage where their anorexia is about to kill them and they show no sign of understanding that they are ill/starting to heal, we should be able to force healthcare on morbidly obese humans to save them from signing their own death warrant.
On the lightweight end of the scale, we're doing them a service and we're saving lives. On the heavyweight end of the scale, we're anti body-positivity and can't accept that ALL bodies are beautiful!!!
...It's beginning to become an actual double standard and obvious ignorance from an entire species. If a human being reaches a level of obesity that is a direct and immediate threat to their health and could kill them any second, they are just as sick as we say a person suffering from anorexia is when we say that they now have so little bodyfat on their body that it is a direct and immediate threat to their health and could kill them any second.
Find god.
Posted by johnnyhenny on Annie Devilish2023-12-07 08:35
*says never*
Posted by johnnyhenny on Annie Devilish2023-12-07 08:26
Not a fan of her personally, but that comes more from her whining about not winning competitions on TV than her appereance, haha!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Jørgine Massa Vasstrand2023-12-07 08:25
These women need to stop ruining their appereance with all these over-the-top, fake-looking (I know they ain't fake), muscles... The same goes for the male variants that look like a dried up piece of dog shit - both genders are extremely capable of attaining both strenght and muscle definition in bounds without looking like a vein is about to burst open and bleed all over the place any second. In picture 15 (the last one, brown-ish hair color + grey sweats) Anne-Catherine actually looks very healthy, more of that - clearly she's a looker once the muscles gets chipped away!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Anne-Cathrine Westby2023-12-07 08:24
Comment reminder to myself about Agnete needing a bio/profile pic. Will try to add this later when I have time.
Posted by johnnyhenny on Agnete Johnsen2023-12-07 08:17
Very mid :/
Posted by johnnyhenny on Yabbe2023-12-07 06:49
Love her smile!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Ragnhild Mowinckel2023-12-07 06:49
Not a fan of over-the-top upper body muscles on women, but damn, she was actually quote a good biathlete back in the day! Credite where credit's due!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Gro Marit Istad Kristiansen2023-12-07 06:48
It's frustrating as a Norwegian continually coming on here, only to discover that 50+ non-Norwegian models have had their nationality/city of birth changed to Norway for some reason? It only takes a quick google search to confirm that this model is a born and bred citizen of the Ukraine - why change it to Norway and blatantly lie/spread disinformation to people? The models should get to proudly fly their native flag on their Babepedia profiles!
Posted by johnnyhenny on Yani Nastya2023-12-07 06:36
Sorry, but this amount of over-the-top is just kinda nasty :/
Posted by johnnyhenny on Marthe Recks2023-12-07 06:32