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Bella Ramsey

aka Isabella May Ramsey More info on her aliases

Bella Ramsey alias list:
Isabella May Ramsey (Real Name (well known))
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About Bella Ramsey

She is currently in a relationship with Maisy Stella.

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User comments

anyone else confused she claims to be binary so is she still classified as a babe or does that mean she needs to be catagorized elsewhere??
so if she likes males and females doesnt thatmake her a bi female or was she born male and if so then doesnt she belong on a different site or is she still classfied as a babe any1 else confused???

Posted by noonecares 2023-05-28 08:44  🛈  

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I agree. She or'they' should not be on a site reserved for babes.😊

Posted by Highsparrow 2024-01-09 00:17  🛈  

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She is female, but from what I learned about gender disphoria, it's like being born in the sex of one body, but developing the neurology of the opposite sex. Aka male body/female brain or female body/male brain. Nonbinary is more confusing. Not sure if it's a different neurological brain development or if it's just a "political stance" to fuck with the English language. That said, I guess the site is seen as "Every famous female" (female = sex, not gender; literally why we use the prefix "trans-," aka "across") and included her. I have seen a few trans women here as well, but they at least identify and live as women.

Posted by NLK3 2025-01-29 22:09  🛈