MaggieMarks9891's Page
Username: | MaggieMarks9891 |
About: | Working on trying not to feed the trolls. |
Signed up on: | April 17, 2024 |
Last seen on: | August 25, 2024 |
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ENM type arrangements work for a lot of couples, if they're both on the same page about it and want the same things.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Britt Robertson2024-06-20 11:17
I understand where you're coming from, but it seems our definitions differ greatly. I respect your right to your opinion, and I wish you all the best on the site. Have a great week!
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Layla Balan2024-06-17 14:42
It would be like anything, dependent on the individual doing the reading, or lack thereof, and whether engagement was relevant to their user experience or not.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Lily Rader2024-06-17 03:44
Makes sense, that and liking women and certain traits isn't limited to guys either. Plenty of women enjoy those exact same things themselves.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Ashlyn Letizzia2024-06-16 02:47
Yeah, the real world can be divisive, but I can understand how if all you got is your outdated conquering fantasies and your koala clad kajira hunts, the fantasy world could indeed seem preferable to an individual such as yourself. Besides, everyone knows the real thrill is conquering your to-do list, not some dusty old imaginary kingdom.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Roos van Montfort2024-06-15 07:20
I couldn't agree more! Raelian_Star's comment does indeed give off that vibe, glad you noticed too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye McDonald2024-06-15 07:09
Yeah, being a badass mom and creating life does unfortunately lead to some men suggesting she didn't age well. Must be tough for them to see a woman who's both powerful and gets better with time.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye McDonald2024-06-15 06:55
The type of scenes a performer has done isn't a good metric because while some performer's love of sexual activities can be a factor in their career, it's still a job and getting paid is the objective. Just like how a performer isn't automatically attracted to women because she does scenes with them or attracted to men because she does scenes with them. Even someone's relationship history isn't a good metric because many people experiment with different relationship and gender dynamics while discovering who they are and what best fits them. The only method for actually knowing someone's sexual orientation with any specificity is hearing it directly from them, anything else is assumptions and speculation.
Likewise, while a little nitpicky, the term you're looking for is 'opposite-sex relationship' as the phrase 'heterosexual relationship' only fits if both parties are heterosexual and unless both confirmed personally being heterosexual, that calls for assumptions. Or we can just use the inclusive phrase of 'relationship' without needing to differentiate as a relationship is a relationship.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Charlotte Stokely2024-06-15 06:28
Hi Oldsocalpunk.
I like certain types of content myself, admittedly I gravitate towards opposite-sex content for the most part. It's probably similar to how some people gravitate towards female same-sex content if they've never experienced it personally, it being different to what they have or usually would have experienced and therefore being simply interesting because its different and sometimes something different holds a special allure if you've never experienced it.
I did indeed get into more of a back and forth than someone like 'duned' deserves but being a Pisces (and a Fire Rat in the Chinese zodiac), I do sometimes get fired up on certain topics. Admittedly someone who correlates being respectful towards others as being pointless because they as individuals will never know is a red flag of a lost cause, but just like with homophobes, sometimes I can't help myself but school them a little. As you can imagine, working child exploitation cases you sometimes come across survivors who have disabilities or developmental challenges and perpetrators who used that to their advantage, so when people use the 'R-word' epithet it doesn't sit well with me. That can cause the old fire rat in me to fire its temper up a little. I try not to overdo my internet usage but during time off I sometimes end up looking at my phone more than would be ideal, especially when adult conversation (ignoring the negative ones) is a fun brief escape from speaking to a trio of under 7's for 14+ hours. That and working 10 hours a day normally means when you get time off and the ability to enjoy certain internet vices, it's hard not to take advantage of that a little.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Breckin Paolinetti2024-06-15 06:09
While that sentiment is understandable, it's not the way a respectful person behaves. 'Not being able to pull out' isn't relevant because consent is always required, marriage doesn't negate requiring consent for any act, especially ones that risk pregnancy. The only person who gets to decide what happens to their body is them, not a spouse no matter their preferences.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Maria Kanellis2024-06-15 04:13
It’s actually very rare for siblings to engage in sexual activities in the vicinity of each other, much less together. While common in fantasy, it’s not how siblings tend to behave in reality.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Breckin Paolinetti2024-06-15 04:10
Conquered? More like co-captain on the parenthood adventure. Unless you're planning on single-handedly changing diapers, I think 'partnership' might be a better term.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Roos van Montfort2024-06-15 03:45
Hold on, gotta take notes on how to be the ultimate white knight from this masterclass. But seriously, lighten up a bit! Ratings are just part of the game, and who knows, maybe those women appreciate a little... politeness? (gasp!). As for the 'high horse,' her name’s Scarlet Rainbow by the way, it seems you're the one struggling to reach her from down there in the shallow end. Anyway, thanks for the entertainment, gotta go be 'better than everyone else' elsewhere.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye Blue2024-06-14 19:11
There seems to be some confusion here. A man's worth isn't defined by who he's attracted to. Bisexual men are just as capable of being caring, loyal partners who raise children and love deeply. In fact, unless an opposite sex-couple tells you they're both heterosexual, one or both could just as easily be bi. By this logic, does a man you admire turning out to be bi mean you now don't view him as a real man? A 'real man' is whoever identifies as a man, because you don't get to define who a man is, they do! Shocker I know.
Limiting "real men" to heterosexuals is a narrow view. It excludes amazing men simply because of their sexuality. I mean it is hilarious that you suggest missing the point when you suggest heterosexuality is a requirement for being a real man, but unfortunately while hilarious it still reflects outdated and incorrect stereotypes. Oh, and a pro tip; a bisexual man who identifies as a man, is still a real man, the simple fact of attraction not being limited to a single gender doesn't negate being real.
A great partner would respect others, that includes respecting someone's gender identity, even if it differs from what you might expect. Gender dysphoria is a real experience, and assuming someone has it solely because their identity doesn't fit a traditional view is an outdated stereotype. Focusing on who Layla is attracted to and finding someone who respects everyone, regardless of gender or identity, is a much more positive way to approach this.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Layla Balan2024-06-14 14:22
That's an awesome outlook and one that isn't especially common, so definitely something to be commended.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sara Mascara2024-06-14 13:36
If objectifying women and calling them names is what gets you through the day, maybe it's time to reconsider your hobbies. It's not about 'equal treatment' when the baseline is disrespect. But hey, if being bold and derogatory is your thing, carry on. Just don’t be surprised when you’re met with an ocean of eye-rolls instead of applause. As for myself, I prefer to shine a light on ignorance, sexism, and outdated stereotypes rather than perpetuate them. If my approach isn't to your liking, fear not, there's a plethora of perspectives in this forum. Feel free to explore, you might find a more compatible echo chamber elsewhere.
Oh, and using outdated slurs like 'retarded' only highlights your limited vocabulary and even more limited empathy. Try evolving past middle school insults—it’s 2024, not the Dark Ages. I've met more intellectually challenged people with more dignity and respect for others than you could ever contemplate in your ignorant little mind.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye Blue2024-06-14 12:56
There's nothing wrong with playful names of the naughty variety between consenting parties, its only when its one-sided and sexist that it's an issue. I say sexist because the vast majority of guys I've encountered don't use 'slut' in a unisex context. Like how a guy might watch an adult video and call a woman a derogatory term like 'slut' yet will rarely comment on the other (usually male) person in the video in the same manner. Obviously common sense tells us if both parties are equally involved then logic should lead someone to refer to both either respectfully or in a derogatory manner depending on their level of respect for others, but unfortunately its usually one-sided when it comes to terms like 'slut'.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye Blue2024-06-14 11:13
Interesting strategy. So, would giving up saying things like 'slut' be part of the everything you'd give up to be with Skye?
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Skye Blue2024-06-14 10:12
It can vary, each pregnancy is unique, so some leave you enjoying the extra attention and some you have no interest whatsoever in sexual contact. I was somewhat lucky (depending on opinion), my four pregnancies, two of which never went beyond 22 weeks, tended to lean towards being indifferent as far as intimacy was concerned. So extra intimacy was great when it happened organically but I neither needed nor actively wanted to avoid it, it's what I like to think of as best-case scenario for everyone involved. Then you get 12 weeks parental leave, and despite usually being advised to wait 6 weeks to be intimate again, it's not overly common most moms feel like it immediately afterwards, so all in all there's usually a lot more intimacy overall during pregnancy than immediately after. Then back to working a 12/3 or 10/4 shift and then coming home to a newborn that needs attention and some older siblings who also need attention, isn't always conducive to especially elaborate romantic dinners followed by lengthy intimate encounters, but you make do where you can. So as many challenges as pregnancy itself can have, it is the part where intimacy is usually at its peak, especially the first time when there's no other children involved. And for women unlike me who get time off during pregnancy, our parental leave only starts once they're born, then you get even more fun couple's time. It is a very unique experience for all involved though.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sensual Jane2024-06-14 09:51
Unfortunately, it's complicated, unless someone mentions their own sexual orientation directly such as in an interview or on a social media post, it's very unlikely you'll ever know for sure. Couple that with people assuming someone in an opposite-sex relationship is straight or someone in a same-sex relationship is lesbian, and you have a recipe for disinformation. What someone does in an adult entertainment context is never a good indicator as that's a job, you may occasionally see someone go more boy/girl if they're hetero leaning or girl/girl if they're more sapphic leaning but that's not a reliable metric as some niches pay more, as well as some adult entertainment companies leaning more towards one type of content over another. Because of heteronormativity most people will assume another person's sexual orientation to be straight as a default in everyday encounters, and on the screen some people see adult content and use that to base an opinion based on their work. Think about it like your workplace, you may know some coworkers well enough to know their sexual orientation, but most you never will know for certain unless they tell you.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sensual Jane2024-06-14 09:19
Mutuality goes a long way! It's usually men that are afraid of cum, some unfortunately have a bad habit expecting a woman to interact with theirs but not being willing to interact with their own. But whenever a male partner is mutual as opposed to one-sided, that's usually going to lead to a more positive intimate experience.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sara Mascara2024-06-14 08:53
Being pregnant is amazing, but it's not all "sexy mama" vibes. I completely understand, even though I was the only birthing partner in my marriage and therefore never experienced that dynamic with someone else being the pregnant one. Here's the key: admire the journey, the woman creating a family with a supportive partner, not just the physical aspect. From the experience of being pregnant myself, it's beautiful, but let's be real, you can feel like a walking incubator sometimes. Having a partner who finds you irresistible during that time is fantastic.
As Oldsocalpunk wisely says, there's a whole family waiting on the other side. It's not a one-time gig, and that's a good thing! The problem is when partners, often men, think work negates parenting. Being a parent is 24/7 for both mom and dad. That's why addressing misconceptions about pregnancy is crucial. Too many women get stuck with partners who just "make a deposit" and then check out. So, admire pregnant women! It's a magical time. But remember, as Oldsocalpunk would remind you, it's the start of a lifelong commitment. The key takeaway? If you want to be part of that journey, be prepared to step up, all the way. Like we say at work, "Kids can't choose their parents, but parents can choose to be good ones."
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sensual Jane2024-06-14 04:21
Let's debunk the myth of the stork delivery. Some men flippantly mention getting someone pregnant, completely disregarding the life-altering journey that follows. Pregnancy isn't just a bump in the road; it's a marathon of hormonal shifts, potential medical complications, and discomfort that can linger long after delivery. Epidurals, while a blessing, carry a small risk of nerve damage. Then comes parenthood. Imagine a complete overhaul of your life, sleep schedule, and finances. Mental health struggles are common for both parents, and the constant demands of a newborn can leave you yearning for uninterrupted sleep. The real issue? Many men see fatherhood as a singular act, the "planting the seed" part, conveniently forgetting the rest. A mature partner understands the full commitment – the joys and the challenges – that come with creating a family. Those who fixate on conception alone are likely the ones who won't be around for the sleepless nights and messy diaper changes.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sensual Jane2024-06-14 02:47
Focusing on pronouns isn't finding 'real men,' it's missing the point entirely. Great partners come in all genders and identities, maybe focus on that instead of outdated stereotypes. Layla can find great partners wherever she chooses. But honestly, someone who judges a man based on pronouns probably wouldn't be a great match anyway.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Layla Balan2024-06-14 02:01
Ah, the selective forum police are out in force today! Apparently, opinion-sharing is only acceptable when it aligns with their worldview. Got it, thanks for the memo!
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Rita Faez2024-06-14 01:52
What a lot of people often forget is that when someone gets breast augmentation its often more about going to the size they want rather than going up several to 'make it worth it'. It could be that a B is the size she feels fills out the outfits she wants to, it can be due to pregnancy, for example if a woman naturally goes up a size or two and likes how that looks and wants to retain that after finishing breastfeeding. Overall while some women may just want to be bigger in general, the majority want to go to a certain size that suits the aesthetic they want and, in her case, assuming she actually did have augmentation done, that would be a B. Also, in the vast majority of bras 33B isn't a size, if it's a B then its either going to be 32B or 34B, so she could have gone from 32A to 34B if indeed she went from A to B and that's more significant than going from A to B in the same band size.
You can inject personal opinion, like my saying that if I wanted one size up, I'd just use a bra that appears to naturally enhance size slightly versus surgery, but unless you know someone's exact reasoning and the exact metrics of before and after sizes, it would be a challenge to even speculate on why someone went from one size to another.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Vika Levina2024-06-13 16:44
Danielle is certainly an all-time favorite, both in horror and film in general.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Danielle Harris2024-06-13 16:15
Interesting definition of 'real men.' Seems pretty fragile to be threatened by pronouns. Maybe real men are secure enough to let people be who they are.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Layla Balan2024-06-13 16:08
Moldova has plenty of amazing men, and Layla is free to define her own path. Maybe you should broaden your definition of 'real' to include someone who respects women and other cultures.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Layla Balan2024-06-13 13:56
I have to admit, that type of deposit does certainly add allure to a nice pair of breasts.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Tina Ruland2024-06-13 12:58
Glad you appreciate her style! Funny how being 'too cute' can stop her from doing adult content but not from receiving name-calling. Priorities, right?
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Rita Faez2024-06-13 11:48
I can understand that, I used to work Thursday to Monday for about 4 years. So, my weekend being Tuesday and Wednesday made for a unique feel. But then kids get older and want to do weekend specific things and I ended up going to Tuesday to Friday. It's a tradeoff, the weekend feels more 'weekend-y', but you also get used to doing things at times when there's a lot less people around and kind of miss that when you now have to do it on the actual weekend.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sasha Grey2024-06-13 11:13
Jessica is breathtaking, she and Ronen are a really cute couple too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Jessica Parker Kennedy2024-06-13 04:45
Mostly relaxing, a mix of family time and the just trying to be as lazy as physically possible for the rest of the day.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sasha Grey2024-06-13 04:37
Did you end up having an enjoyable and ongoing day?
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sasha Grey2024-06-13 03:49
Ah, the classic 'women want romance, men want domination' speech. Sounds like someone needs a history lesson on empowered women throughout time (and maybe a dictionary for synonyms besides 'females'). Guess I wasn't spoken to again, huh? Must be because I don't fit your outdated stereotypes.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Eva Kass2024-06-13 03:04
Anything can become a fun game during intimate time.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Athena Faris2024-06-12 18:30
Reporting of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) obviously isn't 0% but it does tend to be significantly less reported than survivors who are abused or assaulted as an adult. Likewise, there is a stereotype or trope that many women in the adult entertainment field have been victims of abuse or sexual assault in the past which is certainly something that exists, survivors come from and go to all walks of life, but it's generally not thought to be much higher than the average. Now, women becoming survivors of sexual assault is a bit higher once in the industry because of the nature of it. For example, being assaulted while unclothed and in a vulnerable position with a potential stranger is easier than being assaulted while working as a barista. Likewise, predators are often smarter than people give them credit for and will exploit loopholes such as adult film stars being stigmatized in reporting sexual misconduct.
Typically, people will mention it as an adult for a couple of reasons, combatting abuse in the industry or in general might lead to them discussing past abuse or potentially appearing on television such as Dr. Phil or celebrity rehab type shows. Outside of that, while possible, it's unlikely for a survivor to randomly mention it in casual conversation or in an interview that's on an unrelated topic. So, to gauge the authenticity of someone being a survivor, you want to make sure it comes directly from the person themselves, not something someone else says that person experienced but something they themselves explain having experienced. While I don't want to sound accusatory, with the stereotyping of certain things, such as adult film actresses being more likely to be survivors, you want to take anything you hear with a grain of salt unless it comes directly from the survivor themselves. If I remember correctly 86% of abuse goes unreported but it should be noted that covers all forms of abuse, not just physical or sexual. I believe the statistic if that only 43% or so of those who do report CSA do it during childhood, and again that's out of those who do report it, there's no especially accurate overall statistic for how many survivors of CSA go on to report it. And from personal experience working in a field that investigates child exploitation, it's actually more common that family members, parents especially end up reporting it after noticing changes in behavior or warning signs. This is generally because the overwhelming majority of abuse is committed by someone known to the victim and often by family members, while crimes perpetrated by strangers do happen, it's almost always someone with access.
Also important to remember is that how survivors deal with trauma is as unique as they as individuals are, some may reclaim their sexuality and become sex-positive, some may become promiscuous and that may or may not have negative consequences, some may withdraw from physical intimacy for several years or even indefinitely. Just like a predator looks exactly like anyone else, a survivor looks just like anyone else. Given that its generally believed around a third of the world's population has experienced some form of abuse of neglect as a child, you've statistically met several survivors in your life already and most likely not all of them worked in adult entertainment. I know several survivors personally, none of whom work in adult entertainment, I've worked with more than I'd like to count, none of whom (that I know of) went into the adult entertainment field.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Lily Rader2024-06-12 17:54
Feminism is about bodily autonomy, which includes the right to choose your work. Maybe you should crack open a book sometime.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Belle Knox2024-06-12 15:30
Wow! Going from a 32B to 34DD just from pregnancy is pretty darn lucky. I went from 32A to 32C and I remember thinking even that seemed like a lot.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Missy Mae2024-06-12 14:49
There's nothing wrong with wanting romance. Maybe you should try it sometime. It might surprise you.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Eva Kass2024-06-12 14:32
Fantasy is always fun, I’ve been known to have some vivid fantasies myself over the years. Not to presume but I like thinking of a double queen fantasy approach as ‘two queens are better than one’. But no, fantasy never offends me personally, especially not as someone who enjoys them about a wide variety of individuals myself.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sasha Grey2024-06-12 13:51
Let's unpack this a bit. First, most women don't 'bear' children like trophies for their husbands. It's their child, you know, a product of mutual love (hopefully). Second, a 'marriage done right' isn't defined by a Playboy spread. It's about communication, respect, and maybe some sexy dance moves that don't involve centerfolds.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Charisma Carpenter2024-06-12 12:04
Clea has been in a lot of great films, but I always remember her in The Faculty most of all.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Clea DuVall2024-06-12 11:18
I can certainly understand that, I like kinky as much as anyone, but despite having a bit of a crush back in the day I get the feeling my version of kinky would be 'well below average' compared to Shasha's level of kinkiness.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sasha Grey2024-06-12 10:17
Ameara was from what I hear very talented, including her rather unique filmography. Sad to see a life cut tragically short by senseless violence.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Ameara LeVay2024-06-12 09:58
She's always been a favorite as far as adult entertainment stars go. It was a shame about her and Lawless too, they were a cute couple.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Jenna Jameson2024-06-12 09:36
I have to admit despite not really being into certain things, a good pearl necklace is certainly visually appealing. That and mutuality is important, I've lost count of how many people have shared stories involving a male partner who expects to be cleaned up but won't clean up after himself and one-sidedness is never appealing or attractive. So definitely good advice about cleaning up after yourself in life, either in a basic housework way or an intimate setting. Plus it's a positive trait, if you wouldn't do something yourself you can't expect someone else to do it for you. So definitely good advice.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Athena Faris2024-06-12 03:54
A few of those statements are a bit questionable, most sapphic women enjoy performing as well as receiving oral sex. Remembering that for women sex is as much about emotional connection as it is about physical intimacy. Additionally, just because someone enjoys performing oral sex on a particular gender doesn’t relate to being solely attracted to that gender. A bisexual woman may be far more into the moment than a lesbian woman and vice versa.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Prinzzess2024-06-12 01:55
I know exactly what you mean, I had the same exact thing happen to me. I went to get a pizza after work once and clearly the server was an infected man because he was the only one on and I mysteriously got food poisoning and couldn't get out of bed for 10 days, and not the good kind of not being able to get out of bed either. But on the plus side, I never bought from that establishment again and haven't been contaminated since. Maybe Chloe bought from the same place, it does only have one and a half stars on Google reviews, and I can't help but wonder if that half a star is from people taking the in-laws there and hoping for a repeat of my encounter. Trust me, I'd want to be MOPP 4 if I went into that place again, sadly I can't name them for legal reasons but let's just say if you want pizza in the SLC area, maybe stick to name brand stores. Most likely 99.9% of independent pizza stores are fine but to avoid potentially litigious owners, I can't narrow it down any further.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Chloe Scott2024-06-11 15:19
Or slightly taller blondes like me.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sarah Gibson2024-06-11 11:26
Some people find domestic and/or sexual violence arousing, fortunately they get to see the other side of that when they start doing time. You've never seen a big mouth abuser change so quickly as when he's no longer the biggest aggressor.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Halston Sage2024-06-11 11:07
Although slightly unrelated, I love the heels and socks look, it used to be a big fashion no-no but nice to see some people are pushing the boundaries.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Ilona Smet2024-06-11 11:01
Chappell Roan, as of 2024 at least has stated that she identifies as lesbian so the listing of straight is probably no longer accurate.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Chappell Roan2024-06-11 01:04
I'd have to agree, plus the act of others complaining about her rather than finding a woman who fits their interpretation of 'ideal' tells you a lot about them and none of it good.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Maren Tschinkel2024-06-10 18:16
Few women too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Katie Anderson2024-06-10 16:42
Calypso is gorgeous and has an incredible body.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Calypso Muse2024-06-10 15:04
I'm a fan of moms (other people's moms of course), so that could be why I appreciate certain mom characteristics.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Trinity James2024-06-10 13:06
To be fair that quote is from a friend, but it seemed appropriate to share on this medium with other fans of similar intimate activities. I do seem to be more creative in my comments when I have time off, especially when becoming amorous intersects with that time off.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Abella Anderson2024-06-10 13:04
I've certainly had some intimate moments thinking about her too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Belinda Carlisle2024-06-10 12:34
Pro tip: If you replace 'woke' with 'treating others with dignity and respect' you ultimately spread positivity as opposed to bigotry.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Blake Blossom2024-06-10 10:39
She's stunning! The only inaccuracy is she confirmed she was bisexual in a 2021 Twitter post, so the sexual orientation listed here is incorrect.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Kayla Braxton2024-06-10 09:57
Kate is one of the most beautiful women, in my opinion, in the entertainment industry.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Kate Beckinsale2024-06-10 07:28
I always love seeing a woman in a cowboy hat.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Fernanda Romero2024-06-10 05:07
She’s certainly photogenic and has great taste in shoes.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Grace Photodromm2024-06-10 04:58
I have girlfriends that look similar to her too, unfortunately in my case most of them are hetero and I'm monogamous.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Lana Foxy2024-06-10 04:45
Not really, femininity as an expression is doing what you want to do, not what someone else thinks you should do to fit their personal interpretation of femininity. It would be no different than arguing that men should show masculinity by being comfortable enough in themselves to not feel the need to tell women what they should do.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Juliana Nalu2024-06-10 03:10
Not really, generally reductions are done for comfort reasons. Overall future comfort is better than the aesthetics of being a few sizes bigger, not to mention when you're more comfortable, you're more fun in certain intimate settings.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Breckie Hill2024-06-10 02:56
32C is generally considered fairly common, certainly not considered small, but on someone of her physique they appear larger. In my opinion they perfectly suit her physique exactly as they are.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Ana De Armas2024-06-10 02:51
A nice bush can be fun in an individual who embraces that.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Guinevere Huney2024-06-10 02:41
Misty certainly makes someone not otherwise into Playboy reconsider. At least in the early 2000's era.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Misty Dawn2024-06-10 02:34
Despite my not being around at the height of her career as a sex symbol, she certainly left a memorable mark later on.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sylvia Kristel2024-06-09 23:57
One of my first celebrity crushes. I’ve always admired her beauty and talent.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Belinda Carlisle2024-06-09 14:50
Lily has a very arousing figure.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Lily Love2024-06-09 14:22
That can sometimes be a side effect of creating and nourishing life.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Trinity James2024-06-09 14:07
It's nice of you to sling insults and let us all know you likewise have no sense.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Kesha2024-06-09 13:56
Angelina is stunning and has an incredible figure too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Angelina Polska2024-06-09 13:44
So interestingly Abella seems to pop up in the ‘Random Babe’ category regularly, which leads me to believe I should comment something but without knowing her or having seen her work it makes it complicated. So, here goes; Abella is beautiful and perfectly represents erotic femininity. And because my comment should probably reflect the content she’s known for, here’s a tip of the day: “Remember: Eating pussy is like snorkeling. If you are not almost suffocating you're not going deep enough."
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Abella Anderson2024-06-09 10:15
Just a pro tip; assuming someone’s sexual orientation is disrespectful and only says something about the person assuming. Unless someone confirms their sexual orientation, you don’t know what it is. For example, assuming someone is gay because they’re not into a certain woman confuses being attracted to a certain gender with liking an individual of that gender.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Mila Azul2024-06-09 10:07
I can certainly understand that sentiment. In a different world where I was single, I could say the same thing.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Bex Taylor-Klaus2024-06-08 15:53
Just as using terms in a way to suggest someone is an orientation they are not bigoted, I was just pointing out the nonsensical nature of someone thinking it amounts to an insult as opposed to just bigotry.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Helga Lovekaty2024-06-08 15:14
Jillalicious even.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Helga Lovekaty2024-06-08 14:28
I've never understood using 'queer' or 'gay' as an insult. Either the person is in which case it's a factual statement or they're not in which case it isn't. I mean, I'm not going to get offended if someone calls me straight, so why would being called a certain orientation be an insult even if not correct?
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Helga Lovekaty2024-06-08 14:27
Kitty candy too.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Rubie (Femjoy)2024-06-08 14:02
Oh no, a bigot on the internet doesn’t want to hear from me, I guess I’ll just have to learn to live with the disappointment.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sarah Paulson2024-06-08 10:32
Linnea Quigley certainly stirred certain feelings and emotions when I saw The Return of the Living Dead for the first time.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Linnea Quigley2024-06-08 10:27
I was unfortunately only 3 when it came out but Shannon Elizabeth (later on) and Jeannine Taylor from Friday the 13th were both two of the first sets of breasts I saw on TV. Followed closely by Linnea Quigley.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Shannon Elizabeth2024-06-08 10:25
It’s probably similar to the answer of whether you yourself know what the touch of a man would do to you. You’d both likely be aware there are people attracted to men but it would in all likelihood make no difference. Especially in her case since she’s married and has never expressed being polyamorous.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Sarah Paulson2024-06-08 10:15
Hi TrevorF.
Sexual orientations don't have appearances, what you're thinking of is called gender expression and that doesn't relate to a person's sexual orientation directly. I know just as many sapphic women with traditionally feminine presenting traits such as long hair as I do heterosexual women with short hair and a gender expression leaning more towards androgenous. What's interesting from a double standards viewpoint is often people who complain about the length of a women's hair have other underlying issues with respecting women because let's face reality, does a woman you don't know having short hair actually affect you in a negative way or does it only affect you by not fitting your preconceptions of gender expression?
Also, I don't actually recall JoJo calling herself lesbian, from memory she specifically declined to label her sexuality. She does admit not being attracted to men, however without more context that doesn't help. If we wanted to play semantics, we could say I, as a pansexual individual aren't attracted to men because gender doesn't factor into attraction, however that would be a slightly confusing or muddled way to describe it versus just explaining gender isn't a factor at all. So, unless she specifically stated she was lesbian, not being attracted to men might be an indicator but it doesn't actually tell you her orientation. The only thing that's somewhat of a safe bet is that she's unlikely to be pansexual as the profile states because not being attracted to men, unless that is similar to my example of playing semantics, it means gender does factor into attraction for her and therefore wouldn't represent a pansexual individual where gender doesn't factor into attraction at all.
Some important take away info: Sexual orientation is who someone is sexually/physically attracted to, romantic orientation is who someone's romantically attracted to. Sexual and romantic orientation can and do differ in some people, but usually they overlap which is why you hear romantic orientation mentioned less frequently. And someone's expression of their gender, conveniently called gender expression, has no direct tie to sexual or romantic orientation. It can have a secondary connection if someone's orientation(s) are tied to their sense of identity and is expressed in terms of gender expression, however that relates to identity and not orientation. Or to make it oversimplified, there is no such thing as a lesbian appearance, a bisexual appearance or a heterosexual appearance, just gender expressions based on a person's sense of identity or how they choose to express themselves.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on JoJo Siwa2024-06-07 12:20
Definitely women too, especially slightly older and taller women like Alison.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Alison Tyler2024-06-07 07:44
Definitely a good choice.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Monica Sweet2024-06-07 07:40
More than likely the same reason men do.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Christy Mack2024-06-07 07:37
Tattoos are tattoos regardless of gender.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Christy Mack2024-06-07 07:36
Actually most implants only last 10 to 15 years or so and even then it’s only if they’re high quality, so technically they’d reach maturity far sooner than the woman who has them.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Caly Morgan2024-06-07 01:32
It mentions that she became engaged to someone named Viola a year after her marriage ended, so it could be accurate. The important thing to remember is twofold; people know their own sexual orientation more than strangers on the internet, and just because someone has had partners of a certain gender doesn’t lessen them discovering their sexual orientation or relationship preferences later in life.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on Diora Baird2024-06-06 11:24
Comments on galleries (4)
Generally, it's more fun tasting your partner, a bit like breasts in that someone else's are always more fun than yours. That being said, tasting yourself on other people or even yourself can certainly be fun in the moment.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on gallery 'Naughty Kiara Cole removes her Air hostess costume showing her petite figure' of Kiara Cole2024-06-10 09:48
Despite the joys of parenting there are occasions where intimacy still happens. Either for as long as you can stay awake or at least until that inevitable knock on the bedroom door comes and you have to answer really important life questions, such as if squirrels have best friends and why we say a thousand instead of 'ten hundred', because the little bundles of joy didn't get the answer they wanted the first 14 times they asked. But on very rare occasions where neither of you fall asleep and you don't have to answer those super exciting and totally not redundant questions, when it's 'just us moms time' then an extra level of excitement and erotic femininity can set it, sometimes to the point that it sticks around for a while afterwards and may come up while perusing certain internet sites. Which leads to the fun of being up 2:40am because you know if you go to bed, you'll statistically get 20 minutes sleep before someone needs a glass of water or has a nightmare about puppets.
But aside from getting long-winded, yes, there thankfully was some moms only time tonight, despite how rare that can be.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on gallery 'Naughty Kiara Cole removes her Air hostess costume showing her petite figure' of Kiara Cole2024-06-10 11:43
Sometimes busy family life necessitates a quick 'self-encounter' but it's always nice to trade that for a more fulfilling one whenever possible.
Posted by MaggieMarks9891 on gallery 'Naughty Kiara Cole removes her Air hostess costume showing her petite figure' of Kiara Cole2024-06-10 12:42