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Total number of babes in this list: 33
#1 Kathy Lloyd
#2 Donna Ewin
#3 Joanne Latham
#4 Lulu Varley
#5 Georgie Lyall
#6 Kirsten Stewart
#7 Pauline Hickey
#8 Tracey Neve
#9 Marina Baker
#10 Karen Brennan
#11 Maria Green
#12 Maggie Longhurst
#13 Jennifer Eccles
#14 Toni Shiletto
#15 Marie Morris
#16 Gail McKenna
#17 Lonny Chin
#18 Lorraine Michaels
#19 Karen Mifflin-Scott
#20 Coral Burton
#21 Lynne Davidson
#22 Anna Noble
#23 Natalie Jay
#24 Frances Voy
#25 Linda Lusardi
#26 Scotti Andrews
#27 Marlyn Lindsay
#28 Amanda Swan
#29 Lena Gallagher
#30 Rosemary England
#31 Tanya Prime
#32 Brigitte Barclay
#33 Rachel Ward (actress)
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Total number of babes in this list: 33
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