Pornstars born in the year 1975(Page 2)

164 profiles available - Currently showing results 101 to 200

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Delicious MilanoDelicious Milano
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 2nd of August
Diane AndrewsDiane Andrews
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 15th of August
Donna VargasDonna Vargas
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 17th of March
Emilia SuomiEmilia Suomi
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 12th of August
Erica HaunzErica Haunz
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of May
Gia FrancescaGia Francesca
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of January
Illana MooreIllana Moore
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 16th of March
Janey WebJaney Web
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 7th of June
Jasmin KleinJasmin Klein
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 17th of March
Jean KelliJean Kelli
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 26th of September
Jeanette MartonJeanette Marton
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 15th of September
Jenna JaneJenna Jane
Celebrating her 49th birthday on 31st of December
Jennie LoveittJennie Loveitt
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 21st of April
Jessie FontanaJessie Fontana
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 11th of May
Jody SwaffordJody Swafford
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 4th of February
Judith ElekesJudith Elekes
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 22nd of February
Kandi JonesKandi Jones
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 17th of March
Katarina MartinezKatarina Martinez
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 13th of May
Kathy GellertKathy Gellert
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 4th of October
Katia FulopKatia Fulop
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of June
Kriztina SchwartzKriztina Schwartz
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 11th of February
Kylie SamoneKylie Samone
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of January
Lamia DarkLamia Dark
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 27th of September
Leila SwanLeila Swan
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of March
Lenny PowersLenny Powers
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 25th of September
Lexy FoxxxLexy Foxxx
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 4th of August
Lisa WardLisa Ward
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of January
Liza PinelliLiza Pinelli
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 10th of June
Lola LynnLola Lynn
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 7th of December
Ludmilla AntonovaLudmilla Antonova
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 12th of October
Magdalena (GGG)Magdalena (GGG)
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 11th of December
Mandi MayesMandi Mayes
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 22nd of August
Marianna KissMarianna Kiss
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 26th of June
May WatersMay Waters
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 24th of May
Maya PongMaya Pong
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 30th of November
Miki SawaguchiMiki Sawaguchi
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of September
Mistress CarlyMistress Carly
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of August
Monika BellaMonika Bella
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 19th of February
Natalia LuvsNatalia Luvs
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of January
Papillon (Porn Star)Papillon (Porn Star)
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 16th of August
Pink DeluxePink Deluxe
Passed away at the age of 41 on June 28, 2016
Rita CardinaleRita Cardinale
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 2nd of February
Rosemary WardRosemary Ward
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of October
Sabrina GelataSabrina Gelata
Passed away at the age of 31 on July 21, 2006
Sandra DarkSandra Dark
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 22nd of March
Sara SimonSara Simon
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 9th of May
Sarah BellomoSarah Bellomo
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 3rd of September
Sarah Louise (Babestation)Sarah Louise (Babestation)
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of September
Scarlette SaxScarlette Sax
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 15th of October
Shonna LynnShonna Lynn
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 19th of January
Skyy JolieSkyy Jolie
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 24th of September
Soma SnakeoilSoma Snakeoil
Celebrating her 49th birthday on 29th of December
Stacy BurkeStacy Burke
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 27th of May
Stephanie SilverStephanie Silver
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 23rd of April
Suzy CatSuzy Cat
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 1st of January
Tasha HunterTasha Hunter
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 4th of April
Tavalia GriffinTavalia Griffin
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 7th of June
Timea MargotTimea Margot
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 20th of November
Timeo KissTimeo Kiss
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 26th of June
Tricia DevereauxTricia Devereaux
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 12th of January
Trinity MaxxTrinity Maxx
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 15th of August
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 20th of November
Violet LoveViolet Love
Celebrated her 49th birthday on 21st of August

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