Babes celebrating their birthday on April 20

We have 221 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 3 of 3

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Ashley Renee TaylorAshley Renee Taylor
Celebrating her 34th birthday on April 20 of this year
Nysa DevganNysa Devgan
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on April 20 of this year
Nathalie HouldNathalie Hould
Celebrating her 56th birthday on April 20 of this year
Celebrating her 37th birthday on April 20 of this year
Zemira A MashaZemira A Masha
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on April 20 of this year
Passion TinaPassion Tina
Celebrating her 34th birthday on April 20 of this year
Saskia HampeleSaskia Hampele
Celebrating her 41st birthday on April 20 of this year
Paola Parga AmadoPaola Parga Amado
Celebrating her 30th birthday on April 20 of this year
Julieta YanezJulieta Yanez
Celebrating her 24th birthday on April 20 of this year
Estel KayEstel Kay
Celebrating her 27th birthday on April 20 of this year
Lulu LusternLulu Lustern
Celebrating her 44th birthday on April 20 of this year
Kelly QuenzKelly Quenz
Celebrating her 25th birthday on April 20 of this year
Kimber (ATK)Kimber (ATK)
Celebrating her 39th birthday on April 20 of this year
Bella HarrisBella Harris
Celebrating her 25th birthday on April 20 of this year
Catherine CalvertCatherine Calvert
Born in 1890 and died at the age of 80 in 1971
Zhy ZhyZhy Zhy
Celebrating her 26th birthday on April 20 of this year
Kirsten EKirsten E
Celebrating her 39th birthday on April 20 of this year
Ruca AngelRuca Angel
Celebrating her 35th birthday on April 20 of this year
Dian SchwartzDian Schwartz
Celebrating her 26th birthday on April 20 of this year
Sofi MaeSofi Mae
Celebrating her 30th birthday on April 20 of this year
Paola MorraPaola Morra
Celebrating her 66th birthday on April 20 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is February 24 and time is 12:13 AM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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