4/10 Below Average (Page 2)
Total number of babes in this list: 264
Total number of babes in this list: 264
Other lists by Gander
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Still Pending
Fixed and final ratings
10/10 perfection
9/10 Amazing
8/10 Great
7/10 Good
6/10 Above Average
5/10 Average
3/10 Ugly
2/10 Super Ugly
1/10 Hideous
0/10 Abonination of Humanity
Multi-Layered Rating
Face/Pussy/Weird Tat out of 10
Strong 9 to a 10
Strong 9
Decent to Strong 9
Decent 9
Light to Decent 9
Light 9
Strong 8 to a Light 9
Strong 8
Decent to Strong 8
Decent 8
Light to Decent 8
Light 8
Strong 7 to a Light 8
Strong 7
Decent to Strong 7
Decent 7
Light to Decent 7
Light 7
Strong 6 to a Light 7
Strong 6
Decent to Strong 6
Decent 6
Light to Decent 6
Light 6
Strong 5 to a Light 6
Strong 5
Decent to Strong 5
Decent 5
Light to Decent 5
Light 5
Strong 4 to a Light 5
Strong 4
Decent to Strong 4
Decent 4
Light to Decent 4
Light 4
Strong 3 to a Light 4
Strong 3
Decent to Strong 3
Decent 3
Light to Decent 3
Light 3
Strong 2 to a Light 3
Strong 2
Decent to Strong 2
Decent 2
Light to Decent 2
Light 2
Strong 1 to a Light 2
Strong 1
Decent to Strong 1
Decent 1
Light to Decent 1
Light 1
Detestable Garbage Human Being