Babes celebrating their birthday on April 27

We have 126 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 2 of 2

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Jari ValentinaJari Valentina
Celebrating her 46th birthday on April 27 of this year
Jillian BachJillian Bach
Celebrating her 51st birthday on April 27 of this year
Sanja MaleticSanja Maletic
Celebrating her 51st birthday on April 27 of this year
Mia RkmanMia Rkman
Celebrating her 27th birthday on April 27 of this year
Ireland RoseIreland Rose
Celebrating her 28th birthday on April 27 of this year
Celebrating her 41st birthday on April 27 of this year
Mitzi HajosMitzi Hajos
Born in 1889 and died at the age of 81 in 1970
Maura WestMaura West
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on April 27 of this year
Alice WonderlustAlice Wonderlust
Celebrating her 41st birthday on April 27 of this year
Sheena EastonSheena Easton
Celebrating her 65th birthday on April 27 of this year
Nicoletta RoselliniNicoletta Rosellini
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on April 27 of this year
Lizzy LiquesLizzy Liques
Celebrating her 58th birthday on April 27 of this year
Mandala TaydeMandala Tayde
Celebrating her 49th birthday on April 27 of this year
Lauren VersterLauren Verster
Celebrating her 44th birthday on April 27 of this year
Valentina ChepigaValentina Chepiga
Celebrating her 62nd birthday on April 27 of this year
Ana WoycickAna Woycick
Celebrating her 26th birthday on April 27 of this year
Kate PiersonKate Pierson
Celebrating her 76th birthday on April 27 of this year
Ivy JamesIvy James
Celebrating her 29th birthday on April 27 of this year
Glennis LorimerGlennis Lorimer
Born in 1913 and died at the age of 55 in 1968
Ester ManciniEster Mancini
Celebrating her 45th birthday on April 27 of this year
Sandy DennisSandy Dennis
Born in 1937 and died at the age of 54 in 1992
Florence La BadieFlorence La Badie
Born in 1888 and died at the age of 29 in 1917
Betty BellBetty Bell
Celebrating her 49th birthday on April 27 of this year
Marina MaeMarina Mae
Celebrating her 36th birthday on April 27 of this year
Dominique BoscheroDominique Boschero
Celebrating her 90th birthday on April 27 of this year
Nikki SengersNikki Sengers
Celebrating her 39th birthday on April 27 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is December 22 and time is 10:20 AM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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