Babes born in the year 1965(Page 4)

340 profiles available - Currently showing results 301 to 400

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Roxy DelaniRoxy Delani
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Rudi DaviesRudi Davies
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 24th of March
Rumi KazamaRumi Kazama
Passed away at the age of 55 on September 21, 2021
Sabina KalleitnerSabina Kalleitner
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Sadie FrostSadie Frost
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 19th of June
Sasha Del MarSasha Del Mar
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Shinobu HorieShinobu Horie
Passed away at the age of 23 on September 13, 1988
Shizuko FujikiShizuko Fujiki
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 17th of July
Shoji KyokoShoji Kyoko
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 2nd of April
Sindi StarSindi Star
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 17th of May
Sonoko KawaiSonoko Kawai
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of June
Soriana CanaliSoriana Canali
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 30th of December
Stacy ColeStacy Cole
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of May
Stacy EdwardsStacy Edwards
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 4th of March
Stacy NicholsStacy Nichols
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 23rd of November
Stephanie De MonacoStephanie De Monaco
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of February
Sue AshtonSue Ashton
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 19th of January
Sue PriceSue Price
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 29th of March
Sueli Dos SantosSueli Dos Santos
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 8th of January
Suzanne LanzaSuzanne Lanza
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 12th of March
Tairrie BTairrie B
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 18th of January
Tamara SoleticTamara Soletic
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 21st of October
Tanya FoxxTanya Foxx
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 1st of October
Taren SteeleTaren Steele
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 2nd of September
Tiff LaceyTiff Lacey
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 29th of October
Tina CipollariTina Cipollari
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 14th of November
Tina HolmesTina Holmes
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 24th of September
Toti BottaToti Botta
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Twin TowersTwin Towers
Passed away at the age of 51 on April 3, 2016
Ursula CavalcantiUrsula Cavalcanti
Passed away at the age of 39 on September 22, 2005
Valentina OgiyenkoValentina Ogiyenko
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 26th of May
Valerie TrierweilerValerie Trierweiler
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 16th of February
Vanessa D'angelyVanessa D'angely
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 13th of July
Veronica PivettiVeronica Pivetti
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 19th of February
Veronica Vaughn (Porn Star)Veronica Vaughn (Porn Star)
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 23rd of December
Viola DavisViola Davis
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 11th of August
Yanina SimoniYanina Simoni
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 17th of September
Yasuko SawaguchiYasuko Sawaguchi
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 11th of June
Yoshie KashiwabaraYoshie Kashiwabara
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 1st of October
Yukari ImaruYukari Imaru
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 18th of July

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