Babes born in the year 1950(Page 2)

112 profiles available - Currently showing results 101 to 200

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Stella TandyStella Tandy
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 1st of January
Stormy GaleStormy Gale
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 5th of May
Summeran WintersSummeran Winters
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 8th of August
Suzi QuatroSuzi Quatro
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 3rd of June
Tiffany HoyveldTiffany Hoyveld
Passed away at the age of 21 on December 14, 1971
Tina McDowallTina McDowall
Passed away at the age of 67 on March 4, 2018
Toni AlessandriniToni Alessandrini
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 2nd of June
Victoria JacobsVictoria Jacobs
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 19th of August
Vikki VaughnVikki Vaughn
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 21st of April
Wandee SritrangWandee Sritrang
Passed away at the age of 25 on August 31, 1975
Wendie MalickWendie Malick
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 13th of December
Yoshie IchigeYoshie Ichige
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 6th of September
Zora KerovaZora Kerova
Celebrated her 74th birthday on 11th of August

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