Babes born in the year 1953(Page 2)

111 profiles available - Currently showing results 101 to 200

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Rannveig LaingRannveig Laing
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 1st of January
Raquel FerrariRaquel Ferrari
Passed away at the age of 25 on October 1, 1978
Raven StormRaven Storm
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 11th of January
Reiko IkeReiko Ike
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 25th of May
Robin McGrawRobin McGraw
Celebrating her 71st birthday on 28th of December
Rossella GardiniRossella Gardini
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 10th of April
Shaun MichelleShaun Michelle
Passed away at the age of 49 on October 28, 2002
Simona IzzoSimona Izzo
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 22nd of April
Sofia DionisioSofia Dionisio
Celebrated her 71st birthday on 27th of January
Terri HallTerri Hall
Passed away at the age of 54 on June 5, 2007
Yuki HokuraYuki Hokura
Passed away at the age of 22 on July 8, 1975

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