Babes born in the year 1955(Page 2)

123 profiles available - Currently showing results 101 to 200

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Paula KlimakPaula Klimak
Passed away at the age of 19 on November 1, 1974
Rachel McLishRachel McLish
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 21st of June
Rainbeaux SmithRainbeaux Smith
Passed away at the age of 47 on October 25, 2002
Robin ByrdRobin Byrd
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 6th of April
Rose di PrimoRose di Primo
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 6th of March
Ryoko SakaguchiRyoko Sakaguchi
Passed away at the age of 57 on March 27, 2013
Saki St. JermaineSaki St. Jermaine
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 16th of April
Sandra BernhardSandra Bernhard
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 6th of June
Sapphire LouiseSapphire Louise
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 17th of August
Senora FinaSenora Fina
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 6th of April
Setsuko KarasumaSetsuko Karasuma
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 3rd of February
Shino IkenamiShino Ikenami
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 12th of March
Sirpa LaneSirpa Lane
Passed away at the age of 43 on April 30, 1999
Stella CarnacinaStella Carnacina
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 24th of February
Susan BlockSusan Block
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 10th of June
Susan RichardsonSusan Richardson
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 26th of January
Susan VegasSusan Vegas
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 7th of May
Sylvia MaySylvia May
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 4th of September
Teresa Ann SavoyTeresa Ann Savoy
Passed away at the age of 61 on January 9, 2017
Tiziana PiniTiziana Pini
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 1st of January
Valerie Rae ClarkValerie Rae Clark
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 22nd of July
Vivi AnaVivi Ana
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 26th of July
Winnie AndersonWinnie Anderson
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 1st of January
Yuko TanakaYuko Tanaka
Celebrated her 69th birthday on 29th of April

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