Babes born in the year 1980(Page 14)

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Thatiana PagungThatiana Pagung
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 25th of February
Thea BoromThea Borom
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 9th of November
Theresa WaymanTheresa Wayman
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 23rd of June
Tiffany GoldTiffany Gold
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of September
Tiffany HendraTiffany Hendra
Celebrated her 45th birthday on 1st of January
Tiffany LimosTiffany Limos
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 31st of January
Tika SumpterTika Sumpter
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 20th of June
Tina NguyenTina Nguyen
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 4th of February
Tina TrapqueenTina Trapqueen
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 27th of September
Tina WagnerTina Wagner
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 20th of May
Tinker SuicideTinker Suicide
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 26th of February
Tiwa SavageTiwa Savage
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 5th of February
Toni TrucksToni Trucks
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 30th of September
Tracy WilliamsTracy Williams
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 1st of April
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 13th of March
Trish Thuy TrangTrish Thuy Trang
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of December
Tristan RiskTristan Risk
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 2nd of November
Tyler HoustonTyler Houston
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 28th of February
Uliya BUliya B
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 6th of April
Unique LasageUnique Lasage
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of February
Ussy SulistiawatyUssy Sulistiawaty
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 13th of July
Ute WernerUte Werner
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 29th of December
Vaida Griksaite-CesnauskieneVaida Griksaite-Cesnauskiene
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 27th of October
Vanessa VillafaneVanessa Villafane
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 24th of February
Venus NguyenVenus Nguyen
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 20th of August
Vera FernandezVera Fernandez
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 13th of August
Vesper VioletVesper Violet
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 1st of July
Victoria SlimVictoria Slim
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 5th of February
Victoria StylesVictoria Styles
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 3rd of May
Vivian LeBrockVivian LeBrock
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 31st of March
Wendy JayneWendy Jayne
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 9th of August
Wolke HegenbarthWolke Hegenbarth
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 6th of May
Yang HaoYang Hao
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 21st of March
Yasmin Abd ElazizYasmin Abd Elaziz
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 16th of January
Yazmin FoxYazmin Fox
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of February
Yekaterina GamovaYekaterina Gamova
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 17th of October
Yelena ProdunovaYelena Produnova
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of February
Ylenia BaccaroYlenia Baccaro
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 19th of August
Yoslam MunozYoslam Munoz
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 24th of January
Yuka TadaYuka Tada
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 30th of March
Yukari KanoYukari Kano
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 17th of May
Yukia HottaYukia Hotta
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 2nd of September
Yuko TakeuchiYuko Takeuchi
Passed away at the age of 40 on September 27, 2020
Yulia TakshinaYulia Takshina
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 9th of July
Yumi FukinoYumi Fukino
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 30th of July
Yumi YoshinoYumi Yoshino
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 2nd of July
Yuri FujikawaYuri Fujikawa
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 8th of March
Yvonne HijgenaarYvonne Hijgenaar
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 15th of May
Yvonne ParadiseYvonne Paradise
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 28th of July
Zhang JingchuZhang Jingchu
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 2nd of February
Zhang NaZhang Na
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 19th of April
Zhanna RotarZhanna Rotar
Passed away at the age of 39 on December 25, 2019
Zina WildeZina Wilde
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 2nd of June
Ziya TongZiya Tong
Celebrated her 45th birthday on 7th of January
Zoe Foster BlakeZoe Foster Blake
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 28th of July
Zoe PageZoe Page
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 9th of October
Zyna BabyZyna Baby
Celebrating her 45th birthday on 20th of November

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