Babes born in the year 1983(Page 12)

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Gemma BissixGemma Bissix
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of June
Genevieve LaFleurGenevieve LaFleur
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of March
Geraldine BazanGeraldine Bazan
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of January
Gia AllemandGia Allemand
Passed away at the age of 29 on August 14, 2013
Gillian AlexyGillian Alexy
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 13th of March
Ginger GonzagaGinger Gonzaga
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 17th of May
Giorgia SinicorniGiorgia Sinicorni
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of November
Giorgia VenturiniGiorgia Venturini
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of August
Gloria DominiGloria Domini
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Goddess Olivia RoseGoddess Olivia Rose
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 2nd of September
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Green EyesGreen Eyes
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of May
Greta GerwigGreta Gerwig
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of August
Greta LeeGreta Lee
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 7th of March
Gulden DudarikGulden Dudarik
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 22nd of August
Halani Blake-LobdellHalani Blake-Lobdell
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 3rd of July
Hallie LambertHallie Lambert
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of April
Hanna MelnychenkoHanna Melnychenko
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of April
Hannah CornettHannah Cornett
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of August
Harlyyn RaeHarlyyn Rae
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of May
Heidi BrionesHeidi Briones
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 16th of May
Heidi KringsHeidi Krings
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of March
Heike BeierHeike Beier
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of December
Helen SuHelen Su
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 14th of September
Hesti PurwadinataHesti Purwadinata
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of June
Hikari KisakiHikari Kisaki
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of May
Hikaru UtadaHikaru Utada
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of January
Hila BronsteinHila Bronstein
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of July
Holly LetkemanHolly Letkeman
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of November
Honesty CalliaroHonesty Calliaro
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of May
Hotwife SadieHotwife Sadie
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of May
Huda KattanHuda Kattan
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 2nd of October
Ines Gomez MontInes Gomez Mont
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of July
Ireland ReidIreland Reid
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of December
Irina KladovaIrina Kladova
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of July
Isa HoneyIsa Honey
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Isabell HornIsabell Horn
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 31st of December
Isabella GarlandIsabella Garland
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of July
Isabelle PiemanIsabelle Pieman
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of September
Iva LamaraoIva Lamarao
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of February
Iva SulenticIva Sulentic
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of May
Ivana DjerisiloIvana Djerisilo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 8th of August
Ivana LotitoIvana Lotito
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of July
Iveta BenesovaIveta Benesova
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of February
Ivy BrownIvy Brown
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of February
Jacqueline StonesJacqueline Stones
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 17th of August
Jamie WoodsJamie Woods
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of March
Jana KomrskovaJana Komrskova
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of May
Jane McGregorJane McGregor
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Janet KoehlerJanet Koehler
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 13th of May
Janne KongshavnJanne Kongshavn
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of December
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of April
Jasmine BurkeJasmine Burke
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 13th of August
Jasmine FlowersJasmine Flowers
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of August
Jay StarJay Star
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of August
Jayme MeredithJayme Meredith
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 17th of January
Jelena DokicJelena Dokic
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 12th of April
Jelena GavrilovicJelena Gavrilovic
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 18th of January
Jelena TomasevicJelena Tomasevic
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of November
Jen JohnsonJen Johnson
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Jen MercerJen Mercer
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of October
Jen TullockJen Tullock
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of July
Jenni VartiainenJenni Vartiainen
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of March
Jennifer AyacheJennifer Ayache
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of November
Jennifer LandonJennifer Landon
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of August
Jennifer OeserJennifer Oeser
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of November
Jennifer VegasJennifer Vegas
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of June
Jenny PargaJenny Parga
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of September
Jenny TheonaJenny Theona
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 8th of February
Jerri ByrneJerri Byrne
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of June
Jessica AlvesJessica Alves
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of July
Jessica KiernanJessica Kiernan
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 17th of January
Jessica MaiaJessica Maia
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of August
Jessie GJessie G
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Jessie MuellerJessie Mueller
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of February
Jessika RainsJessika Rains
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 14th of March
Jill DiamondJill Diamond
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 7th of May
Jordan RainJordan Rain
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of August
Josefine OqvistJosefine Oqvist
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of July
Juawana ColbertJuawana Colbert
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 18th of February
Julea LondonJulea London
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of November
Julia BuddJulia Budd
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of July
Julia FischerJulia Fischer
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of June
Julia GomezJulia Gomez
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of July
Julia IaninaJulia Ianina
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of February
Julia LingJulia Ling
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 14th of February
Juliana DaniellJuliana Daniell
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 12th of November
Juliana SilvaJuliana Silva
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 22nd of July
Julianne TrevisolJulianne Trevisol
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of June
Julie BermanJulie Berman
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 3rd of November
Julissa BermudezJulissa Bermudez
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of September
Junko KaiedaJunko Kaieda
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 3rd of October
Justine Le PottierJustine Le Pottier
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 5th of March
Kaci LynnKaci Lynn
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 8th of April
Kaisa MakarainenKaisa Makarainen
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 11th of January
Kamila ZukKamila Zuk
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of June
Karen JunqueiraKaren Junqueira
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of April
Karine VanasseKarine Vanasse
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of November
Karishma TannaKarishma Tanna
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 21st of December
Karoline BarrettKaroline Barrett
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January

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