Babes born in the year 1983(Page 15)

1589 profiles available - Currently showing results 1401 to 1500

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Nina RocaNina Roca
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Nina VegasNina Vegas
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 5th of July
Noelani ChaseNoelani Chase
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 16th of March
Nora HamzawiNora Hamzawi
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of April
Nosheen PhoenixNosheen Phoenix
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 21st of February
Olesya SyrevaOlesya Syreva
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 25th of November
Olha KotovskaOlha Kotovska
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 5th of December
Pamela BrownPamela Brown
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of November
Paola JaraPaola Jara
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 16th of May
Paris WatersParis Waters
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of September
Patricia AlamoPatricia Alamo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of June
Patricia PardoPatricia Pardo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 5th of September
Pattricia AraujoPattricia Araujo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 18th of August
Perla RubiaPerla Rubia
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of November
Petra MischellePetra Mischelle
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of August
Petty PolPetty Pol
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of June
Pia MillerPia Miller
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 2nd of November
Piggy MouthPiggy Mouth
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of August
Pippa LilyPippa Lily
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of October
Pleumjit ThinkaowPleumjit Thinkaow
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of November
Polly PiersonPolly Pierson
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 31st of July
Popp SylviePopp Sylvie
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of June
Priscila FantinPriscila Fantin
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 18th of February
Qixing Aisin-GioroQixing Aisin-Gioro
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of December
Rachel Van Den HoogenRachel Van Den Hoogen
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of November
Ran MonbuRan Monbu
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of March
Raven (ATK Archives)Raven (ATK Archives)
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of April
Raven LexyRaven Lexy
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of June
Rayne FallsRayne Falls
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of April
Rebekka RaynorRebekka Raynor
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Reeva SteenkampReeva Steenkamp
Passed away at the age of 29 on February 14, 2013
Reiko NakamoriReiko Nakamori
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 25th of May
Ren TakanashiRen Takanashi
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of April
Renata ChristianRenata Christian
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Reshma PasupuletiReshma Pasupuleti
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of July
Riley RobertsRiley Roberts
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of October
Rina ARina A
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Ripped VixenRipped Vixen
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of January
Risa KudoRisa Kudo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 4th of October
Rita NeriRita Neri
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of March
Roberta MatteiRoberta Mattei
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 7th of December
Romina AnsaldoRomina Ansaldo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 25th of March
Rosario StoneRosario Stone
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of September
Rose AngelRose Angel
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of June
Rose ScottRose Scott
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of August
Rosemary QuispeRosemary Quispe
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of August
Roshell StarrRoshell Starr
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of November
Roxy DoverRoxy Dover
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 16th of January
Roxy EarleRoxy Earle
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 3rd of August
Ruby RedRuby Red
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of September
Ruby ViolenceRuby Violence
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of May
Ruibo QianRuibo Qian
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Rukiya BernardRukiya Bernard
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of January
Ruta GedmintasRuta Gedmintas
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of August
Rute PenedoRute Penedo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 2nd of June
Saadet AksoySaadet Aksoy
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of August
Sabine CrossenSabine Crossen
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of November
Sabrina Cohen-HattonSabrina Cohen-Hatton
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Sabrina GarciarenaSabrina Garciarena
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of July
Saeko NijyoSaeko Nijyo
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of October
Sakura ShiratoriSakura Shiratori
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of March
Sanae ArimuraSanae Arimura
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 12th of July
Sandra LeonSandra Leon
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 11th of March
Sandra LondonSandra London
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of March
Sandy HeribertSandy Heribert
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 25th of November
Sandy LeahSandy Leah
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of January
Sanja KuzetSanja Kuzet
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of August
Sara BahramiSara Bahrami
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 22nd of January
Sara KarajSara Karaj
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of January
Sara ZanierSara Zanier
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 27th of July
Sara ZiffSara Ziff
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 15th of April
Sarah AlexanderSarah Alexander
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of November
Sarah WrightSarah Wright
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of September
Sarka (Nubiles)Sarka (Nubiles)
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of May
Savanna KnightSavanna Knight
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of August
Saya KazukiSaya Kazuki
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of July
Sayaka IchiiSayaka Ichii
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 31st of December
Sayuri AnzuSayuri Anzu
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 20th of September
Scarlett MarchScarlett March
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of August
Sei AshinaSei Ashina
Passed away at the age of 36 on September 14, 2020
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 7th of February
Sented KissesSented Kisses
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 30th of December
Serena (ATK)Serena (ATK)
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 10th of August
Serena SouthSerena South
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of July
Sexy LexiSexy Lexi
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 18th of December
Shanna CollinsShanna Collins
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 10th of June
Shay LamarShay Lamar
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 29th of March
Shelly SeidenbergShelly Seidenberg
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 31st of December
Sheron MenezzesSheron Menezzes
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 26th of November
Shiori AyaseShiori Ayase
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 1st of February
Sigrid PersoonSigrid Persoon
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 12th of March
Siri BjorkesettSiri Bjorkesett
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 9th of February
Sisley HaimSisley Haim
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 19th of October
Sitara AttaieSitara Attaie
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 11th of February
Skaiste SteikunaiteSkaiste Steikunaite
Celebrated her 42nd birthday on 1st of January
Skye AverySkye Avery
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 6th of May
Sladjana PetrusicSladjana Petrusic
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 24th of March
Sofia TajhSofia Tajh
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 23rd of November
Sofja (ATK)Sofja (ATK)
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 17th of September
Soma Hernandez (Soma Hernandez (
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on 28th of January

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