Babes born in the year 1956(Page 2)

138 profiles available - Currently showing results 101 to 200

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Lisa GlasbergLisa Glasberg
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 3rd of November
Lisa HartmanLisa Hartman
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 1st of June
Lizzy Mercier DesclouxLizzy Mercier Descloux
Passed away at the age of 47 on April 20, 2004
Lola WildLola Wild
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 12th of January
Lorna PattersonLorna Patterson
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 1st of July
Maren JensenMaren Jensen
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 23rd of September
Marie ForsaMarie Forsa
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 13th of December
Martina NavratilovaMartina Navratilova
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 18th of October
Maureen MccormickMaureen Mccormick
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 5th of August
Melody Thomas ScottMelody Thomas Scott
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 18th of April
Mimi HagiwaraMimi Hagiwara
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 6th of February
Mirella D'AngeloMirella D'Angelo
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 16th of August
Miyoko AsadaMiyoko Asada
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 15th of February
Monique EvansMonique Evans
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 5th of July
Patti HansenPatti Hansen
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 17th of March
Paula ZahnPaula Zahn
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 24th of February
Ramona Dell'AbateRamona Dell'Abate
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 19th of May
Raven FlightRaven Flight
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 4th of October
Regina SharpRegina Sharp
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 15th of March
Renate LangerRenate Langer
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 20th of May
Renee PaiRenee Pai
Passed away at the age of 18 on November 30, 1974
Rita PenningtonRita Pennington
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 12th of March
Rita WilsonRita Wilson
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 26th of October
Robin CurtisRobin Curtis
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 15th of June
Rosemary EnglandRosemary England
Passed away at the age of 67 on April 29, 2023
Rubee TuesdayRubee Tuesday
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 23rd of November
Ruby BelnapRuby Belnap
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 15th of June
Samantha FayeSamantha Faye
Passed away at the age of 62 on July 23, 2018
Sandra BlackieSandra Blackie
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 17th of October
Solange CoutoSolange Couto
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 1st of July
Sonja JeannineSonja Jeannine
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 1st of January
Stefania SpugniniStefania Spugnini
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 24th of January
Stepfanie KramerStepfanie Kramer
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 6th of August
Stephanie ZimbalistStephanie Zimbalist
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 8th of October
Susanne SaxonSusanne Saxon
Passed away at the age of 49 on September 14, 2006
Suzana MancicSuzana Mancic
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 22nd of November
Terumi AzumaTerumi Azuma
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 12th of August
Veronica LarioVeronica Lario
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 1st of January
Zizi PossiZizi Possi
Celebrated her 68th birthday on 28th of March

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